How taking 4 or More Meds Affects your Balance


Do you currently take 4 or more medications? If, so you could be at risk of fallingThe Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy ran a study of 384 participants with a mean age of 73 and got them to walk along a special walkway that watched their gait (walking pattern).

They looked at the gait patterns and how many medications the participants were on. The study found that participants that were taking 4 or more medications, had changes in the pace and rhythm of how they walked. These participants had shorter step lengths and stood on both feet longer (when you walk you swing your leg through a phase normally) and all of these findings can correlate with fall risk.

If you feel like you are becoming more unbalanced due to medications, pain, or even being more sedentary in the winter we added a list of options to try to help your balance!

Increased Falls:

If you are severely falling into objects, have had more than 2 falls in the past month, or others are concerned for your safety, it may be a good idea to look at an assistive device (walker, cane)

Talk to your Doctor:

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your medications and possible side effects

Building Strength:

If you feel like you are weaker and you need more strengthening check out these exercises Apex has given at our free balance screenings! Or better yet, call one of our locations and set up a time to get checked!

Increased pain:

If have pain and are limping, you may benefit from a physical therapy consult.

Try physical therapy!

Physical therapists are the movement experts. At Apex, we all hold our doctoral degrees and specialize in getting people moving safely and with less pain.

If you want more information or to read the full article it is listed below!

Medication Status and Gait Mechanics in Older Adults: A Multivariate Analysis – PubMed (>

Discover a New World of Possibilities with your free screening

Feel free to contact us by phone or use the contact form to request a free screening. We look forward to helping you on your healing journey with Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness.