Balance To Keep Your “Feet On the Ground” 

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Improve Your Balance?

Balance is the ability to maintain your body’s center of gravity over its base of support. It is essential for performing everyday activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or reaching for objects. Balance also helps you prevent falls and injuries, especially as you age. 

Fortunately, physical therapy can help you improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. Physical therapists are experts in assessing and treating balance problems. They can design a personalized program of exercises and activities that target the specific causes of your balance impairment and improve your overall fitness and well-being. 

What are the benefits of balance training? 

Balance training is a type of physical therapy that focuses on improving your ability to control and stabilize your body in different positions and movements. Balance training can help you: 

  • Enhance your sensory awareness and motor control 
  • Strengthen your muscles and joints 
  • Improve your posture and alignment 
  • Increase your flexibility and range of motion 
  • Boost your confidence and independence 
  • Prevent falls and injuries 

What are some examples of balance exercises? 

Balance exercises can vary in difficulty and complexity, depending on your level of ability and goals. Some common examples of balance exercises are: 

  • Standing on one leg or on an unstable surface, such as a foam pad or a wobble board 
  • Shifting your weight from side to side or front to back 
  • Performing head or eye movements while maintaining your balance 
  • Reaching for objects or throwing and catching a ball 
  • Adding dual tasks, such as counting or reciting the alphabet, while balancing 

Your physical therapist will instruct you on how to perform these exercises safely and effectively. They will also monitor your progress and adjust your program as needed. You may also receive home exercises to practice on your own. 

How can you get started with balance training? 

If you are interested in balance training, give our office a call at 701-892-8632. Our Physical Therapists will evaluate your medical history, balance function, and other factors that may affect your balance. They will also discuss your goals and expectations with you. Based on your assessment, they will create a customized plan of care that suits your needs and preferences. 

Balance training can be a fun and rewarding way to improve your health and quality of life. With the guidance of a physical therapist, you can learn how to enhance your balance and prevent falls. Contact Apex Physical Therapy today and discover how balance training can help you. 

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Feel free to contact us by phone or use the contact form to request a free screening. We look forward to helping you on your healing journey with Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness.