Restoring Your Core After Baby!


Navigating motherhood is one of the most challenging tasks a woman can endure in her life. Worrying about caring for a new baby, staying on sleep or feed schedules, doing chores, keeping up with the laundry, the list goes on! It can be easy for new moms to forego their own health for a period of time, focusing on baby instead. However, you can’t take care of little one if you yourself are not feeling 100%!

Diastasis Recti is a common condition experienced in pregnant and postpartum women that results in a separation of abdominal muscles at midline of the abdomen. As a result of this, women often experience feelings of a weak core, pelvic floor dysfunction, and muscle imbalances at the hip and core levels. Ensuring core muscles are strong and functioning properly is of the utmost importance to ensure you feel strong and you can care for baby in the best way possible!

How to Check for Diastasis Recti to Restore your Core

1) Gently lower yourself onto your back on either your floor or bed.

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First, get onto your side and then roll onto your back. In the event diastasis recti is present, this is the best way to move to keep abdominals safe.

2) Find belly button

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Find your belly button and move your fingers two finger-widths directly upward/downward. You will check THREE places – above the belly button, at the belly button, and below the belly button.

3) Gently lift head up off the table.

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Feel your fingers sinking downward or for a separation of muscles around your fingers. Count how many fingers you can fit between your abdominal muscles. It may feel different at the three different points – that’s okay!

So how does a new mom exactly ‘restore their core’ after baby?

With the help of a pelvic health physical therapist!

The focus of physical therapy will be to reduce muscular tension and restriction in the abdominal, hip and low back muscles, and to strengthen the abdominals in a safe manner to promote closure of the diastasis recti. The pelvic health team at Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness Center is highly trained in hands-on techniques, as well as exercise prescription, to help ensure your core is strong and functional, so you can feel good while caring for baby!

Discover a New World of Possibilities with your free screening

Feel free to contact us by phone or use the contact form to request a free screening. We look forward to helping you on your healing journey with Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness.