Brittany Gannarelli


Professional and friendly physical therapist Rachel Failing, posing for a staff photo at Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness Center.

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Doctor of Physical Therapy, Pregnancy and Post-partum Corrective Exercise Specialist

Brittany graduated with her Bachelors Degree from California State University-Fresno with a major in Interdisciplinary Health and Rehabilitative Sciences. She went on to receive her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Mary in 2014. Following her graduation, Brittany moved back to Jamestown, to serve her hometown community. She has a strong interest in Women’s Health physical therapy, orthopedic conditions, and geriatric/balance rehabilitation. Brittany has additional training including Neurodynamics, Graston Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, Dry Needling, Urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, pregnancy and post-partum corrective exercise.

Brittany enjoys spending time with her husband and children, gardening, reading, and traveling.