Casey Sailer


Professional headshot of Casey Sailer, a smiling man wearing a jacket with a logo, depicting a friendly and approachable demeanor.


Doctor of Physical Therapy

Casey has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy as well as a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from the University of Mary. Casey has experience working with a wide variety of ages and diagnoses including but not limited to surgical post-operative rehabilitation, chronic pain, sports-specific therapy, geriatric rehab, and neurological therapy.

Casey has extensive training in manual therapy including Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue (IASTM), joint mobilization/manipulation, as well as training in the McKenzie Method, graded rehabilitative exercise, and dry needling. In his free time, Casey enjoys working out, going to the lake, and spending time with his wife and two daughters.

Casey is originally from LaMoure and is looking forward to returning back to his hometown to serve his community.