The Blog

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Springing Out of Shoulder Pain: A Therapeutic Journey Towards Neuromodulation 

As spring breathes new life into the world around us, it also presents an opportunity to rejuvenate our own well-being. For those grappling with shoulder pain, the transition to this vibrant season can serve as a catalyst for embarking on a therapeutic journey towards relief and renewal. In this blog, we’ll explore how physical therapy […]

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Posture: A Balance Between Opposing Muscle Groups

The opposing yet harmonious forces within our core muscles are fundamental to every movement that we make in a day. Whether it’s something as routine as bending down to tie our shoes or as dynamic as playing a sport, our core muscles play a central role in providing stability, balance, and power. This intricate dance […]

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Rehabilitative Ultrasound & Diastasis Rectus Abdominus

Diastasis recti, a separation of the abdominal muscles at the midline of the abdomen, is a common condition that is experienced during pregnancy and persists into the postpartum period. This is a common condition that is necessary to allow room for the growing baby. For many moms, both new and experienced, diastasis recti is a […]

man stretching with PT

The Importance of “Pre”hab Before Surgery

Physical therapy is an essential component of the pre-surgery process, as it helps to prepare the body for the upcoming procedure and improve the chances of a successful recovery. Apex Physical Therapy is a leading provider of pre-surgery physical therapy, offering comprehensive programs tailored to each individual’s needs. In this blog, we will discuss the […]

frustrated mom with baby in crib

Postpartum Depression, It’s not so Black & White 

Postpartum tends to be a subject we as a society barely touch on. When people think of postpartum, our minds go to the extreme cases we see in the news or dramatized on television. We fill out the questionnaires at our new baby’s 2 week well check and at our 6-week OB check and then, […]

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Gait Happens! Orthotics and Shoes: What is right for you? 

Our feet bear the weight of our bodies every day, making them essential for mobility and overall well-being. However, issues with your leg and foot health are common, often stemming from factors such as improper footwear and biomechanical abnormalities. Let’s explore the importance of your leg and foot health, with a discussion on orthotics and […]

PT working with patient's balance

Balance To Keep Your “Feet On the Ground” 

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Improve Your Balance? Balance is the ability to maintain your body’s center of gravity over its base of support. It is essential for performing everyday activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or reaching for objects. Balance also helps you prevent falls and injuries, especially as you age.  Fortunately, physical […]

older man w/ arthritic hand

Arthritis Management: Calm the Inflammation

Arthritis is a disease that causes damage to joints, most commonly found in hands, knees, hips, shoulders, or low back. Arthritis can be caused by normal wear and tear on the body that manifests with age or can be the result of previous trauma to a joint.   Around 50% of people over the age of […]

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Effects of Cancer Treatment on Your Pelvic Floor

As medicine has continued to improve, survival rates following gynecological cancers have also increased. This is all around a GOOD thing! However, it has brought to light the importance of looking at an individual’s quality of life AFTER the cancer is gone as the struggle often doesn’t stop there.  When it comes to gynecological cancers, […]


CranioSacral Therapy offers Clarity for your Nervous System

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless body fluid found within the tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It bathes, nourishes, and takes away waste products and dead cells from the brain. CSF also acts as a shock absorber, cushion, or buffer, providing basic mechanical and immunological protection to the brain inside the […]

How to approach sex after menopause

Sex After Menopause

Understand the importance of pelvic health and potential solutions for managing these challenges.

# Apex Pledges Inclusive Pelvic Health Care for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals

Apex Offers Pelvic Care for Transgender Individuals

Apex stands for compassionate, inclusive healthcare for all, including transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

Discover a New World of Possibilities with your free screening

Feel free to contact us by phone or use the contact form to request a free screening. We look forward to helping you on your healing journey with Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness.