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Gait Happens! Orthotics and Shoes: What is right for you? 

Our feet bear the weight of our bodies every day, making them essential for mobility and overall well-being. However, issues with your leg and foot health are common, often stemming from factors such as improper footwear and biomechanical abnormalities. Let’s explore the importance of your leg and foot health, with a discussion on orthotics and…


What Your Erection Can Tell You About Your Heart Health

Erectile dysfunction and Heart Disease have a lot in common and PT, DPT Brooke explains how.


Tips to Fall-Proof Your Home

Falls don’t need to be a part of aging or everyday life. Here are 8 tips to fall-proof your home.


Balance To Keep Your “Feet On the Ground” 

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Improve Your Balance? Balance is the ability to maintain your body’s center of gravity over its base of support. It is essential for performing everyday activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or reaching for objects. Balance also helps you prevent falls and injuries, especially as you age.  Fortunately, physical…


Arthritis Management: Calm the Inflammation

Arthritis is a disease that causes damage to joints, most commonly found in hands, knees, hips, shoulders, or low back. Arthritis can be caused by normal wear and tear on the body that manifests with age or can be the result of previous trauma to a joint.   Around 50% of people over the age of…


Finding the Perfect Pillow

Our quest for the perfect pillow can be a little simpler when you keep these things in mind.
